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Just like I always do, I spent the past two weeks convincing myself again that the situation with The Menace is never going to change. It is always going to be this two steps forward, one step back kind of thing that wasn't doing anyone any good, especially me. When I finally start to feel better about the whole thing, I decide that I am fine to be in the same room as him without having my feelings change. Oh really need to learn. The best method of defence with The Menace is total and complete avoidance. I stopped off to see A. before heading back to the city. I was tired and cranky, and wouldn't have stopped in if I hadn't promised that I would. The Menace answered the door with a smile that would light up the darkest day, and he was just in such a good mood. It was a heart breaking glimpse into what I want, and what I am never completely sure will be mine. It's the times like those that I don't think that it is that far out of my grasp...but then I never can tell with him. UGH! It's still all about Missing in Action.


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