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I am currently hiding out at Linds' because I can't stand the thought of being at the new apartment. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. From the marathon moving session (where over 3/4ths of the stuff we moved is my roommates-stuff that we have NO room for), to the fact that everything we own is stored in the middle of each room so that the phantom painters can come to paint our apartment. We have been there since Friday, and no paint have we seen. Oh, and we won't have a functioning phone until Friday. Did I mention that we can't unpack anything because of the painters? That we have a two foot buffer in each room? The mere thought of spending the night there tonight just makes me want to cry. Added to the fact that I am doing everything in my power to try and sell the ugly apartment to my roommate so that she doesn't pack everything up in December and leave me with an apartment that I can't afford now. I guess if that does happen, I will have enough room for all my stuff, mostly because I don't own anything. Please don't let this get worse!


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