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That is basically all I need to get through life these days. I underestimated the value of the veil before...but no longer. I may have even figured out how to become a fully functioning alcoholic in my every day life if I ever need it. These are the things that are good to know. Things with the boy went sour. I don't know why I didn't expect this to happen. It just sucks though. I really thought things were going to work out. I love how whenever things are obviously not going to get better, I start thinking about all the little things that I thought were really weird about him. Like the strange obsession with traditional Irish music. That doesn't exactly mesh with the girl who loves 50 cent does it? I suppose in the end that I will chalk it up to a lesson learned, and I will try to believe that one day someone will discover Krista the Pearl inside my outer ugly oyster shell...until then I will continue to tell myself that being alone really isn't that bad. Being alone really isn't that bad.....being alone really isn't that bad. Yep. So helpful.


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