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my own Mr. Rogers

Remember Clarence? My friendly upstairs neighbor who cleaned my car off every snowy morning? Clarence and I have recently become more um...intimately acquainted. One night after getting home from work, I was for some reason racing around trying to do 7 things at once. I was talking on the phone, trying to boil water, and change out of my work clothes all at the same time. Just as I managed to get one of my legs into a pair of pajama pants, the smoke detector decided to start blaring. So, with the phone in one hand, and the uninhabited leg of my pants dragging behind me I ran out to the kitchen to see what was going on. Smoke everywhere, as something that had fell into the burner had started to cumbust. So whenever this happens, I will get out the cutting board and start manically waving it in the air near the beast of a detector. For some reason, the idea of putting the phone down at any point during this little event didn't cross my mind. I finally got the thing to stop bleating, and let out an exasperated sigh, as my eyes started to roll towards the ceiling in relief, something caught my eye in the window near the smoke detector. It took me a minute to realize that it was Clarence. It then took me another minute to realize that I standing there with a phone to my ear in one hand, a plastic cutting board in the other, and had half my ass in full view, because in all the excitement I hadn't had the chance to get my pants on the whole way. I could see his mouth moving, trying to say something, but I couldn't exactly hear him due to the wall in between us. I quickly hauled my pants up in a desperate attempt to save some face, and went to talk to him (phone still to my ear of course) to tell him that everything was ok. I don't think that he really believed me, but what can you do?


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