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empty headed

Again I am seeing how the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I am always on the look out for something to write about on here, but I am still having trouble putting more than two words together in a sentence and making it sound interesting. So I have resigned to posting something that just isn't funny or interesting at all...which is something that the two people who read this already know. Today is Day 2 of "The Diet"'s 10:05 am, I have already ate my breakfast and a bag of carrots and I am still starving. But the 10+ pounds I have packed on recently really have to go. If I can just take it day by day until healthy eating is again normal....I think I can do this. I am really hoping that is true. Birthday was good. It is completely surreal to believe that I am 27. WTF? Where is my life? More proof that nothing ever turns out as you imagined it. I am still in the anti-social mind frame. I am finding it hard to shake it this time. I spent most of my time now out geocaching. I am sure that I am going to end up falling in a hole, breaking something, and then dying out in the middle of the one really knowing where I am, but until then I really enjoying the time with me. Things with the Menace are...distant. The only contact now is through email...until he stops flip flopping between his two different personalities, he is another on my list of people that I don't really want to deal with. Hmmm....that certainly was empty headed wasn't it?

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    tell the menace to go pi*s up a gum tree....

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