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anyone ever have that feeling of such utter anxiety that you feel as though it is all balled up in your chest, right under your neck, and it is almost as though it is preventing you from taking in a full breath? Having that sensation now. Actually it is so bad that when I think about the things that are causing me the anxiety, I am holding my breath...maybe so it won't know that I am thinking of it? Or if I hold my breath, it won't really be happening because I am not living and breathing it? I have no idea. So stressed out about money right now. Paying for two apartments in the same month as Christmas?! Fun! In good news, I now have an apartment, so that means that I technically have a place to live. Bad news is I don't have any money to actually heat the place. So I don't know how I am going to live in it. At least the temperatures have been much milder recently than they traditionally are. Crap. This so isn't good.


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