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I can't put my finger on it, but I am just feeling foul lately. The past two days I have been walking around in a sour haze for no reason. The weather is finally starting to get nice, and all I can say is bah humbug, what gives? I am sick of being a doormat. I am sick of people calling me with their problems, and never asking me what is going on with me. I am sick of myself for never being able to say "well this is what is going on in my life" after listening to everyone's problems. I am sick of feeling that my problems are important enough to discuss with anyone. I think that I am sick of so much that it is just dragging me down. I want to be able to believe that I am good enough when I say it. I want him to think that. I don't want to hear of his plans that he hasn't followed through with from someone else. I just want him to take some initiative here, is that too much to ask? Just a little indication that I am not running towards the gold at the end of the rainbow for nothing. I feel like I am putting too much into this already. I am putting too much into this already. Ugh. This was supposed to help.


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