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welcome to yet another addition of 'listen to KA bitch' today's topics include: 1. libraries that smell like mouse shit. While I appreciate the extra 30 minutes I get on this computer, the smell here is turning my stomach six shades of green. Plus there is the added bonus of the possibility of contracting the Hanta virus. 2. empty food cupboard. I had yogurt for supper. That was tasty. 3. trying to determine what the hell people mean by what they say on MSN. Make it clear people, make it clear. And don't send me the rolling eye will only serve to piss me off more than I already am. 4. young children. They all need to be locked away until they are no longer annoying. 5. Oh who am I kidding, there isn't too much that isn't pissing me off right now. let's reiterate: UGH!

1 Comment:

  1. Liam said...
    some refreshing bitching. I always get freaked out by young kids, like they're going to run into me while I'm walking, fall, and die, and then I'm going to feel like a murderer. Maybe it's because I knocked Allan over when he was 2 and gave him a concussion.

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