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I can't even express how much using the computers at the Public Library freak me out...especially with the creepy men creeping around likely waiting for a computer to look at p0rn. Ugh. I came here with a distinct purpose that I can no longer complete as there is no Microsoft Word on these computers. No. Microsoft. Word. A little upset, but not so much, because I have been struggling with deciding if what I was here to do was what I wanted to do. Big things could be happening, but I am not sure if I want them to....more of my inability to make a decision. But the gambler in me has told me to do as much as I can and then let the universe take over from there and make the decision for me. If I could just learn to not stress over it constantly until then. I feel like I need to go wash my hands after using this computer. Ick.


  1. Anonymous said...
    So what are you deciding to do?
    KA said...
    Can't say right now...


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