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passing time

One of my friends, who was actually a friend of Nich first, is currently telling me a story about how she and a group of their friends orchestrated to get a stressed out young man an escort for the evening. Apparently not much thought was given to the legal logistics of the situation, as the cops ended up being called and some parties reprimanded and grounded. Although Nich was luckily away at ski practice and didn't suffer from any of those minor details... Yesterday would have been her 27th birthday, and I was feeling it creep up on me, and I figured that it was going to be a horrible day and I was just going to have to make it as horrible as possible, isn't that what you are supposed to do when you are grieving a loss? As I sat there planning out how I was going to feel sorry for myself all day, I realized that is exactly how Nich would want me to not spend my time...being all gloomy and sad. So there was no moping, just a big smile for my girl, a piece of cheesecake, and the finishing a book I had been reading; because that is what she would want the most. It took a bit for me to understand that I don't have to sit down and cry for four hours to show how much I miss her...what I did was just as good if not better.


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