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Panic. I am currently trying to figure out if I am unhappy with my life right now, or if I am unhappy with my life because other people think that I should be unhappy with my life. Or if I am happy with my life, but feel like I should be unhappy because others think that I should be unhappy. Panic and confusion. Jo just sent me a bunch of jobs that her dad asked her to pass along to me because "Krista didn't seem too happy in Sydney". So now cue the tizzy. So now I need to decide how I feel. I am tired of people thinking that Sydney sucks. Yes, it isn't Montreal or Halifax even, but it isn't like I am living in an outport community that only has a small plane coming in with supplies once a month. Maybe I complain about it too much, but that is what I do. I complained about Halifax, I didn't like my job, I didn't like this, I didn't like that. Maybe I have to stop agreeing with people when they say how hard it must be to live in Sydney. Yesterday I went to Louisburg. It was about a 20 minute drive from my apartment. While I couldn't actually get into the actual fortress, I was able to drive around it and the town, and it was so beautiful. Along one of the roads in the park, there was a graveyard right on the coast, where if you looked across the harbour you could see the fortress, and below you could see the waves crashing on the shore. It was quintessential Cape Breton for me. As I stood there, I was reminded about what I love about Cape Breton, that feeling of being a part of something and belonging. I just felt at home. It was nice to be able to put all my negative feelings away and focus on what is good. As I was driving back into Sydney, I was thinking about all the places that I still have left to explore. There was a sign for kayak rentals in Catalone. There was a mini-golf and g0-cart place just before Louisburg. Basically I saw that instead of sitting on the phone and moaning to people about how much I am not liking Sydney, or making a joke of it because that is what is expected, I am just going to make the most out of what I have. Which is a lot.

1 Comment:

  1. Liam said...
    I'm glad you're starting to see it that way. At the end of the day the place only makes so much of a difference - it sounds like the Sydney experience is helping you learn about yourself.

    Oh, and what is up with people who don't understand complaint therapy.

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