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When I was smaller, I always thought that Rememberence Day was called "Novemberence Day"... There was a Rememberence Day not too long ago, maybe a couple of years ago, where I found myself thinking that at some point in the near future there wasn't going to be any more live veterns to be honored at the ceremonies. I was struck with realization the that the younger generation wouldn't really understand the whole meaning of the holiday, much like I was struggling with the true meaning of it myself. Sure I usually made a half hearted attempt to stop for a single minute of silence on the 11 day of the eleventh month, at the eleventh hour for the fallen soliders of years who fought for my freedom. All the while feeling contently detached from the emotion attached to what the holiday was about. This year things are going to be different. Not only to I have a personal connection to a fallen soldier, but I no longer have to worry about the younger generations not having any idea of the reprecussions of war. Although I find myself wondering if I would feel the same way if someone I cared for hadn't died. I think that part of me realizes that I would be that same restless, impatient girl standing among the crowd at the centataph silently wondering when the speaker was going to hurry up and finish his speech so that I could go off and enjoy the rest of my day. Too bad I had to learn the true meaning of this holiday the hard way.... lest we forget


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