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This is the third time today that I have started to write a post, and then stop and go and do something else. I have stuff to say, but some of it I don't feel I can say, and to be truthful, I don't think that anyone really wants to hear me complain about the trival problems I am having. Found out on Friday afternoon why I really shouldn't drink anymore. It just seems like I have completely regressed to this completely irresponsible, crazy, irrational person while drinking. Kudo to Mother for passing that along to me! Friday night there was a reception at work for the artist who works with us and the patients here at the hospital. Free wine and no dinner makes KA a very drunk girl. We started drinking at 4:30, and I was told that I was deposited at my front door at 10:00 pm that night. Wise. I woke up well rested at about 5 the next morning, quickly realizing that there was a lot about last night that I didn't remember. I dragged my hung over near corpse to the couch and just layed there contemplating death. As usually happens, as I was laying there, memories started to trickle back to me. I realized that I hadn't given R or L any money for the cab, or possibly even my bill at the restaraunt. Then I remembered that I was talking to some man at the bar as we were leaving, and when I went to look in my purse to make sure that I did indeed even still have my wallet, I found what I assume was my bill ripped in half with the phone number and email of TROY. There was no evidence of me paying my bill on my bank account. Then, later when I was talking to L about owing her and Dick some money for the cab, she informed me that I paid for it with a $20 and gave them some money for a drink??!!!!!!! Not sure where I got the money. A little worried that TROY both paid for my bill and gave me cash, also a little worried about what I did to get money from this man,if that was indeed what happened. Ugh. Now I am off to do laundry and pretend that I am not shitting my pants about the phone interview I have tomorrow. Why do I get nervous now? So nervous.


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