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I figured it out.

Ever since I made the decision to quit my job and move to the other side of the province, I have been running a constant commentary in my head debating whether or not it was the right choice. I was wondering why I would quit my current job, where I can sit and watch TV on youtube, come in late on Tuesdays so I can babysit Big Willy D, have fresh fruit Wednesdays, and generally have no responsiblities at all except show up and do some work some of the time. I was also wondering why I would leave Hali for Sydney. I have just started to have a really good time in Halifax, I have a good group of friends, I love what the city has to offer, and now I am going to throw it all away to start all over again in a sense. So, I am going to move to a much smaller city, with a much larger population of small minded people. I am starting a real job, one that is permanent, and one that is going to lead into a career. I am going to have serious responsibilities, and I think that I am going to be challenged to do more than I think I am capable of. This really scares me, and as I went through my latest round of WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO?'s, I realized that I did what I had to do. I grew up. Fancy that.


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