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Our toilet is broken. It doesn't flush when you pull down on the lever. Therefore, everytime you want to flush you have to haul the top off the back of the toilet, search in the scummy water for the broken lever and then tada. Yet another bold black mark against The Apartment From Hell. Knitting has begun again. I am on to my 3rd christmas scarf, and so many more plans. Blankets, wrist bands, maybe even a sweater? What is with me becoming a little bit crafty? Feeling anti-social. I didn't even want to go to the grocery store this morning, but made myself go, if only for the food that I shouldn't really be eating. I have been eating like there is no tomorrow. Let's blame it on PMS, and not on self sabotage/emotional meltdown. Good thing is that I have the apartment to myself for the weekend. Weekend of sloth to follow.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    you should use rubber gloves

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