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That is what I am calling myself these days. I have always had varying degrees of these qualities present in my personality, but lately they have really been shining through. I find myself unable to be happy for those who are happy, mostly because I am very jealous and bitter of their extreme happiness. Why can't I have what they have? This is the question I have been trying to answer, and there are only two answers that I have come up with: 1) I am the universal anomaly to all things that deal with relationships. 2) I am a jealous, heartless, bitter bitch which is preventing me from being happy. I just received an email from e gushing about her first date with her new beau; he is really interested in her, and I am sure that great things are going to come from this. Yet, I can't bring myself to be truly happy for her. That isn't to say that I'm not happy for her, it's that I can't seem to get past me feeling sorry for myself to express my joy for her at having found someone. When your best friend calls to tell you that that special someone called her, I should be just as excited as she, but instead I was doing my best not to cry and roll around on the floor screaming "I want someone TOO!" I don't want to be the last single in my group of friends. I have grown tired of the patronizing comments, the third-wheeling, and watching everyone's life progress as I remain stagnant in the Game of Life. Yes, I have heard all the arguments for the Pro-Single faction, as I have all the major points ingrained in my brain forever. Say what you will about how fantastic the single life is, most couples wouldn't go back for anything in the world. Please stop trying to tell me how great it is...thanks! So here's to poor decisions and rash behavior!


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