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the bubble

I joined an online dating site a little while ago, and since it has been a very interesting and enlightening situation. *WARNING- extremely shallow behavior up ahead* After I joined this site, I got a very clear idea of what I want, what I don't want, and especially what I really don't want. EXHIBIT A: Deano48. He's 48. I am 26. If I would looking to date one of my father's friends, I would have asked him if he had any single friends. Poor Deano....KA will not be dating him, despite his determination. EXHIBIT B: Possibly my most favorite. Take a long hard look at this picture. What was he seriously thinking when he posted this picture? Looking at this picture, I have to wonder a few things. #1. Does he still live in his parents basement? #2. Does the hockey stick running across the ceiling serve function as some kind of wall support, or is it decoration? (Actually, after examing the picture more closely, it is looking as though the hockey stick is for clothes storage.) #3. Same question as #2 except this time with the blanket on the wall...hiding something, or decorative? And as always, the token animal to make all the females go "Awww...a puppy!!". EXHIBIT C: Professional photos with your pet. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with loving your pets, and there is nothing wrong with animals. But showing the world that you love your pet enough to get professional pictures done with them does suggest that maybe a relationship with you wouldn't really be in their best interests. Poochy would probably always come first, and will likely be allowed to watch you in the bedroom.

Now I see why I am still single....


  1. Liam said...
    Love the new look - happy to have you back in time-wasting land.

    So, I guess you're still shopping. Would you go long-distance online relationship?
    KA said...

    LOL, still shopping yes; and no I don't think that I would do a long distance online relationship. Hoping to use the online thing to have something in real time...if that makes any sense.

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