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more evidence that bad things happen to good people. May 17th, 2006 is a day that will forever go down in infamy, as it was the day Nich was killed in Afghanistan. I can't get rid of the guilt I feel for the path our friendship took in the end. But I think that what I have to realize is that it doesn't really matter where we were in the end, but the moments that happened in between. We had years of wonderful memories, that even now, when she is no longer with me, can make me laugh like nothing else can. I am so thankful the abundance of happy memories that we have together. Nich was such a happy and bubbly person that there were very few negative moments in our friendship. Or at least it seems like that on the other side of death, strange how that works. What about those moments when it was just the two of us? What happens to the memories that I have forgotten? What happens if I forget more memories? Who is going to remind me of those times? I don't want to forget.


  1. Liam said...
    You're killing me, really - it is so sad. Even though I completely lost touch with her I am still feeling it. I remember how cheerful and sincere a person she was. I keep thinking about that party out at the Cape.
    Anonymous said...
    Write down your memories. It'll be cathartic, and something you'll always have, even after your memory fades...

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