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...and now I forget what it was. In other news, I dreamt that I was hanging out with Nick LeChey again last night. What is up with the Nick dreams? I have never even had a crush on him, yet everytime I go to bed, it appears that Nick is in my subconcious. Too bad he wouldn't appear in any dream dictionaries, that might be helpful. Tomorrow C. and I are giving up swearing for lent. The other ladies at work are giving up things as well...Ca. is giving up smoking, Fay is giving up sweets with The New Girl, and Shanno is giving up all afternoon snacks. Lets see how it goes, we have a little failure jar where we have to pay in when we cheat...40 days without cursing should be enough to get me to stop. Good thing I am such a devout Catholic. Currently starving waiting for Roomie #1 to get back with the maple syrup so that we can have some pancakes! Woot!


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