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just a coffee pot

Last night as I was doing something around the sink (I can't remember what it was now) and I bumped something off my very cluttered counter with my elbow and subsequently heard it crash to the ground. Where it smashed into a hundred little, tiny pieces. As it was falling, I had all these images of what it might be, my favorite mug, a bowl that was a gift from a good friend, or one of my few glasses. When I looked down, I realized it was my coffee pot, and I felt bad for not thinking of it when I was imagining what had broke, because once I saw that it was gone, I realized I loved it the most. The coffee pot was the straw that broke the camels back for me. Yes, I know it was just a coffee pot, but it was just ONE more thing that has gone wrong in the past while. Let's make a short list shall we?

  1. Car was broken into. Everything was stolen, almost every CD I own with the exceptions of the ones I don't really want, like Theory of a Deadman. Realized later in the week, that only did they get my CD's, but my GPS, my cellphone, and basically anything else I was housing in the trunk for safety that I had forgotten about. They didn't take the 3 fondue pots though. Small miracles eh?
  2. I now don't sleep, because I am waiting for the thieves to come back. So every cough, sneeze, laugh, car door, etc I hear outside my window, I am up and ready to attack. During one of these checks, I knocked over the mirror in my bedroom, breaking it into tiny, little pieces. 7 years bad luck! Whoohoo!!
  3. I threw out the brownie checkbook by accident and had to explain to the others that yes, I really am that stupid. New checks won't be in for a week and we need checks NOW.
  4. Then the coffee pot broke
Not a big deal I know, but it just feels like everything is going wrong. I am broke, and will continue to be broke for a long time, while falling behind on everything. I have Christmas to worry about. I can't stop eating, and I am sure that I am going to weigh 200 pounds by this time next year. I am turning into a hermit, and find myself increasingly enraged at everyone around me. Maybe this is what a mental breakdown feels like?


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