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Oh! That was why!

It was after I decided to sleep with my bedroom light on that I remembered why I stopped reading Stephen King novels, aside from the fact that they got increasingly worse with time. After jumping up and investigating every footstep I heard through my window, and then closing the window because the wind was starting to sound really eerie. Which quickly led to putting the blind down because the shadows of the trees were REALLY starting to look sinister. While I was trying to calm my racing heart, I realized that it was the damn book I was reading. I am currently reading King's newest book called Duma Key. It's not a gory story, filled with guts and such; but it is seriously freaking me out. Even SK's picture on the book jacket is freaky. No wonder he writes such terrifying works. I just tried to find the same picture online, but I can't look at pictures of him anymore....I am just getting more creeped out by the minute. UGH.


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