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I LOVE weekends. Especially Friday's where you can go to bed and bask in the fact that you don't have to be jarred awake by the bleary blarking of the alarm clock at an ungodly hour in the morning. Even though I don't tend to sleep- in anymore, I still really enjoy the freedom of being able to wake up whenever I want. This past Friday was one of those nights....although when I went to bed, the new neighbors next door sounded like they were having a bit of a party, with "Holla Back Girl" and "Promiscuous Girl" blaring out of their house in the wee hours of the morning...I was a bit p.o.'ed, but then remembered that it was the weekend! I feel asleep with a good sleep-in penciled in for Saturday morning. Let's fast forward to 6:23 am, Saturday morning. I was awoken by the vibrations of "Jesse's Girl" being played next door at about 287.4 decibels above an average listening volume. I was furious! It was 6:30 on a Saturday morning! As I lye there and fumed and toss and turned in an attempt to get back to sleep, I had an eerie sense of deja vu...they were playing all the same songs from the night before! Complete with "Funky Cold Medina", AT 6:30am on a SATURDAY. I grabbed my schedule for the day, erased the sleep-in that was planned, and in it's place put: irrational rage and belted out (without thinking of course) "Some people are trying to sleep". Maybe if they could hear me over their music it might have had some sort of effect...or not...I could feel my face burning with the embarrassment over what I had just done. I resigned myself to the idea that my day had begun. Needless to say, the new neighbors will not be getting a welcome to the neighborhood basket from ME!


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