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So, there is someone new in my life. Or I suppose more accurately, there is someone from a different part of my life, who played a very different role, who is now someone completely different to me.

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this just yet. Most days I am fine, more than fine really. I'm happier than I've been in a really long time. Ever since The Menace, I haven't really looking for anything really. And then I go away for an innocent weekend and come back with a lot more baggage than I packed. See, things are a little bit complicated. First, he doesn't live close by...there might be a few more much juicier reasons for it being more than a little bit complicated that add a wonderful flavor of WTF'ed-ness with a dash of soap opera drama. We've talked about (some of ) this, and how it's all a bit crazy. But we also feel that there is too much potential there to not try and see if it would work.
So that's what we're doing. It's overwhelming and it's exciting. I can't wait to see how it all turns out...


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