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It's been forever since I have written here, but I haven't really been feeling motivated to talk about anything. I have become so lazy that composing a coherent email has become taxing, which is rather sad. Not sure why things are they way there are....they just are. I figured it's about time to work on fixing that. Recently I have been feeling very frustrated with people. Especially the fake people...and not just just regular people, but family. There are a certain few who I have lost all patience with. They live in a world where everything and everyone has it's/their place, and if you fall outside of that line drawn in the sand, you lose... Everything is about appearances, and creating the perfect illusion of happiness. I'm sick of it, especially since I can never quite measure up, and wind up ruining the balance. I'm also sick of how much I care about having their approval, and always waiting for the other shoe to really shouldn't matter, but it does. Down with ignorance.


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